Don't you even think of eating my chocolate!
Even people who don't believe in the Catholic church venerate the Pope as a symbolic leader.
They don't even know why.
Even before Reagan and the Supreme Court stifled it, OSHA was a farce.
If you can translate the subject and object then after that it isn't so difficult.
I think that as long as I don't overeat, I will certainly lose weight.
The thief has to be in here. I'm sure somewhere around is his stronghold so if we can just find that we've got him.
I don't even know who has stolen what.
This is a basic factor that can even be said to be the common lot of man; it certainly doesn't apply only to Germans.
Though he lives next door, he doesn't even say hello to us.
The flower is yours for the asking.
Even a child knows what it is like to be without friends.
Plenty of opportunities will present themselves, if only you are awake to them.
The end does not always justify the means.
You have only to keep silent.
Finding one's way around Nagoya is very simple. All you do is look at the signs.
All you need to do is get back the time you have wasted.
I was not being taught to experiment or even to repeat experiments.
I can not do without this dictionary even for a single day.
My mother always says, "You only have to study hard now."