Example sentences
20 results
Sharapova's shots are very fast but...a fast ball means that it will come back that much faster.
It is characteristic of the fork ball, one of baseball's change-ups, that a ball that flew straight will drop suddenly just before the batter.
"I hear two houses away the Aoki's little Mana gave birth to a girl." "Hm, what's her name?" "Himari." "Written how?" "Oh, I forgot to ask. Hmm, I wonder how it's written."
20. きごう「きごう『きごう』、、きごう?きごう」きごう「、、きごう『きごう』きごう『きごう』。。、、。。きごう『りい莉きごう』きごう『きごう』きごう」きごう「きごう『りりきごう』きごう?きごう」きごう「きごう」きごう「ああっああっきごう!きごう!きごう」きごう「きごう?きごう」きごう「。。きごう」
"How d'ya write 'Himari'?" "Uh, the second character in 'sun,' and then the character that goes 'man.' Y'know, like ten thousand, twenty thousand and so on. Then the 'ri' part is the 'ri' with a grass radical." "'Ri' with a grass radical?" "Yeah, with the grain stalk radical and the sword part on the right" "Oh! From Jasmine!" "Jasmine?" "Nothing. Don't worry about it."