- advantage; benefit; profit; interest
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
Wiktionary definitions (experimental)
Example sentences
13 results
Since the favorite and his rival were running against each other a dark horse like him was able to pull out in front.
That place's food is great, and their prices are good, but the fly in the ointment is their terrible location.
Opportunities of time vouchsafed by Heaven are not equal to advantages of situation afforded by the Earth, and advantages of situation afforded by the Earth are not equal to the union arising from the accord of Men.
13. きごう「きごう『きごう』、、きごう?きごう」きごう「、、きごう『きごう』きごう『きごう』。。、、。。きごう『りい莉きごう』きごう『きごう』きごう」きごう「きごう『りりきごう』きごう?きごう」きごう「きごう」きごう「ああっああっきごう!きごう!きごう」きごう「きごう?きごう」きごう「。。きごう」
"How d'ya write 'Himari'?" "Uh, the second character in 'sun,' and then the character that goes 'man.' Y'know, like ten thousand, twenty thousand and so on. Then the 'ri' part is the 'ri' with a grass radical." "'Ri' with a grass radical?" "Yeah, with the grain stalk radical and the sword part on the right" "Oh! From Jasmine!" "Jasmine?" "Nothing. Don't worry about it."