Theoretically, I'm doing math.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.
The speaker illustrated the theory with examples.
As for the theoretical side, Peterson's claim is pertinent to our discussion.
In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult.
It is important to combine theory with practice.
I would like to make a few remarks before turning to a close examination of the theory.
Although the arguments were rational, he was not convinced.
A theory must be followed by practice.
Theory and practice do not necessarily go together.
Theory and practice do not always go together.
Theory and practice do not necessarily go together.
You should combine theory with practice.
Theory and practice should go hand in hand.
Theory and practice do not necessarily go together.
Complete agreement between theory and practice is a rare case.
Theory and practice do not necessarily go together.
It is difficult for a theory to survive such a test.
It is impossible to make her understand the theory.
They still clung to this doctrine.