How do you spell "pretty"?
Awards ceremony podium? Victory stand podium? Please tell me the correct spelling.
How do you spell your name?
Her name was spelled wrong.
Her composition is very good except for a few errors in spelling.
He pointed out some spelling errors to her.
You have made only a few spelling mistakes.
You must be more careful about spelling and punctuation.
Many words are pronounced according to the spelling, but some are not.
I refer you to the dictionary for the correct spelling.
Apart from a few spelling mistakes, it is a good composition.
I can't remember how to spell her name.
I don't know how to spell the word.
You can't expect me to make no misspellings at all.
There are several spelling errors in your essay.
Correct my spelling if it's wrong.
I can't find any logic to English spelling. “Ghoti” can be pronounced as “fish.”
Some English words have two spellings - "gray" and "grey", for example.
You cannot be too careful about spelling.
The report was prepared in haste and had several misspellings.