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Positron Emission Tomography uses a radioactive tracer to visualize metabolic activity within the human body.
10. きごう「きごう『きごう』、、きごう?きごう」きごう「、、きごう『きごう』きごう『きごう』。。、、。。きごう『りい莉きごう』きごう『きごう』きごう」きごう「きごう『りりきごう』きごう?きごう」きごう「きごう」きごう「ああっああっきごう!きごう!きごう」きごう「きごう?きごう」きごう「。。きごう」
"How d'ya write 'Himari'?" "Uh, the second character in 'sun,' and then the character that goes 'man.' Y'know, like ten thousand, twenty thousand and so on. Then the 'ri' part is the 'ri' with a grass radical." "'Ri' with a grass radical?" "Yeah, with the grain stalk radical and the sword part on the right" "Oh! From Jasmine!" "Jasmine?" "Nothing. Don't worry about it."