It also has a strong flavour, and adds depth to Chinese food such as soups and stir-fries.
There's no demand for them as tools, so the product line-up is poor.
It's very easy to drink potato shochu now that the potato-like smell has been reduced to a low level through use of the latest biotechnology.
Well, you'll find out that after you cross. If I give too much away right from the start it won't be so interesting.
The fun thing about this job is that the technology is continually advancing so it continues to be stimulating.
Love is blind. Hatred is also blind.
Compared with his father, he is lacking in depth.
As compared with his father, he is lacking in depth.
Compared with his father he is lacking in depth.
She looked at him with hatred.
She slowly developed hatred toward me.
She felt something between love and hatred.
Her answer was straight out of the textbook - nothing interesting.
You're taking advantage of her weakness.
Andreas feels hatred towards Angela.
He has the advantage of a good education.
He has no sense of humor.
He conceived a deep hatred for them.
The look on his face was next door to hatred.
Stop taking advantage of his weakness.