'The child is father to the man' is certainly well said.
It's well said that "You can't judge people by their appearance", isn't it?
Everyone I know speaks well of her.
My mother often said that time is money.
Mother often said that she was proud of me.
My father used to say that time is money.
It is aptly said that necessity is the mother of invention.
She is well spoken of by everybody.
Those who know him speak well of him.
He is well spoken of by many people.
He is often referred to as a national hero.
Perseverance, it is often said, is the key to success.
We often hear it said that Japanese people are conservative.
People often say that Japanese is a difficult language.
Japanese is often said to be a difficult language to learn.
It is often said that Japanese universities are difficult to enter, but easy to graduate from.
Are you aware of the fact that you are not spoken well of?
It is often said that nothing is more precious than time.
I often say a great doctor kills more people than a great general.