They came from all over the world to make their homes in this new land, which was thinly populated by native Indians.
As their language had no written form, the natives expressed deeds and events in carvings.
He established a friendly relationship with the natives.
When a president or a governor acts wisely and lawfully, Americans express their approval by reelecting him and by supporting his political party.
Voters are taking out their frustrations at the polls.
The voters won't put up for a tax hike.
The natives have to defend their land against invaders.
The natives collect and store rain-water to drink.
The natives saw an airplane then for the first time.
The settlers learned that the land in the valley was fertile.
The settlers embraced the Christian religion.
We furnished the refugees with blankets.
The English are a taciturn people.
That is what the British people expect of their Queen.
That is what the British people expect of their Queen.
This is what they have in common with other peoples.
This does not mean that they have nothing in common with other peoples.
The ancestors of Native Americans went to the continent from Asia by way of the Bering Strait.
The natives of the North-West Pacific Coast of America were probably descendants of tribes from Asia.
That church organization takes in refugees.