Into this broad category fall companies that run money lending and insurance businesses.
Distrust of the Social Insurance Agency and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare just keeps getting stronger.
There are many kinds of insurance such as: health insurance, fire insurance, life insurance, etc.
Insurance is a good idea - just in case.
The policy number of my insurance is PC-two-three-five-seven.
Let me see your health insurance certificate.
I forgot to bring my health insurance card.
What's the name of your insurance company?
How much is it including insurance and tax?
He received a large sum in insurance benefit.
He claimed on the insurance after his car accident.
The insurance on his violin costs $200 a year.
Am I fully covered in case of an accident?
My house is fully insured.
The national health service was far from adequate.
We found that there is no information about freight or insurance in your quote.
Our insurance policy covers various kinds of damages.
In case the shipment is delayed, we have special delay insurance.