- spring break; spring vacation
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
Other forms
Wiktionary definitions (experimental)
Example sentences
6 results
During my last spring vacation I took a job in a restaurant to help pay the costs of my trip abroad.
6. きごう「、、きごう」きごう「きごう?きごう」きごう「きごう?きごう」きごう「、、きごう?きごう?きごう」きごう「きごう?きごう」きごう「きごう?きごう」きごう「かぁかぁ、、きごう」きごう「。。、、きごう」きごう「かぁかぁきごう」
"Mum, I'm going out." "Where to?" "University?" "Isn't it spring break now? What are you going there for?" "A club?" "Looking that smart?" "It's all right isn't it? It shouldn't matter where I go." "Fine, but you've got bed hair at the back." "Seriously?"