Wiktionary definitions (experimental)
Example sentences
3 results
Er, well, I'd like to take a vote. Would people in favour of Mr Ogawa's proposition please raise their hands.
3. にもまけずニモマケズきごう/にもまけずニモマケズきごう/にもニモのノさにもまけぬサニモマケヌきごう/なからだをもちナカラダヲモチきごう/はなくハナクきごう/してシテらずラズきごう/いつもしずかにわらっているイツモシズカニワラッテイル
He's not beaten by the rain; he's not beaten by the wind; neither the snow nor the heat of the summer will beat him; his body is robust, without greed; he never angers, but is always serenely smiling.